Criminal Defense & Immigration Attorney in Orange County


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The whole idea of DAPA was to grant deferred action status to certain undocumented parents with a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident child, that lived in the United States. This is very similar to the DACA program and would also provide authorization to work.

If a parent as of or before January 1, 2010 resided in the United States and had a child that is a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident and is not considered “an enforcement priority”, would qualify to apply for this status.

Since February 2015 this case has been put on hold. However, The Supreme Court is expected to hear this case at the end of April and perhaps rule by the end of June.

We all are waiting anxiously but with hope!

Have a question about DAPA? Reach out to the Law Offices of Sholeh Iravantchi, PsyD, Esq. 

For a free consultation to discuss your case with an immigration/ criminal defense attorney, call us today at (714) 619-9303 or contact us at Law Office of Sholeh Iravantchi, Esq. 

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